picked up a worn and dogeared copy of Henri Nouwen’s The Way Of The Heart at the used bookstore, which is the perfect little companion for preparing my mind for a solitude retreat i’ve decided to embark on this coming week.
Nouwen recounts the story told about Abba Arsenius, a well educated Roman centuries ago, who asked God about the way to salvation, to which the voice of God answered back, “Arsenius, flee from the world and you will be saved.” He asked and questioned God again to which he heard, “flee, be silent, pray always…”
it’s pages touch deeply on the importance of getting away by oneself, carving out a path of silence, and spending much time in continual prayer.
perfect retreat fodder.
the back of the book reads like this:
SOLITUDE- “In our solitude we become compassionate people, deeply aware of our solidarity in brokenness with all of humanity and ready to reach out to anyone in need…”
SILENCE- “Silence first makes us pilgrims. Secondly, silence guards the fire within. Thirdly, silence teaches us how to speak…”
PRAYER: “Prayer, when we are faithful to it at regular times, slowly leads us to an experience of rest and opens us to God’s active presence…”
this work brings comfort, insight and inspiration, of which i am sure will hold my hand on the pilgrimage ahead to take the time away to reconnect with my spirit. oh what soul marrow this carved out time holds ahead!
image: fscaston.org/events/stepping-out-of-our-minds-into-the-heart-of-god